1 CHAPTER 1 Understanding Architectural Drawings THE FOUNDATION OF ANY3D visualization is the linework found in its architectural drawings. Just like a contractor needs drawings to erect a building, a 3D artist needs drawings to create a visualization. The key to reading the drawings, elaborate or vague, is to follow a simple process that relies on the many similarities of most drawing. Engineering Symbology, Prints, Drawings Intro to Print Reading vi OBJECTIVES TERMINAL OBJECTIVE 1. 0 Given an engineering print, READ and INTERPRET the information contained in the title block, the notes and legend, the revision block, and the drawing grid. Reading a MiTek Shop Drawing 1 Job name 2 Truss label 3 Truss type 4 Truss quantity 5 Number of plies 6 Job description 7 Software version 8a Cumulated dimensions of top chord panel lengths are added together along the top chord of truss Ralph Ellis, P. , Associate Professor of Civil Engineering The Office of Construction Florida Department of Transportation Yvonne Collins, State Construction Training Administrator It is a course of training in reading and interpreting typical highway and bridge SCALES OF DRAWINGS 130 Scales of Plan and Profile Sheets Plan Views 132 Description. This workbook and workshop was designed to be a short course on the fundamentals of Print Reading and Engineering Drawing Practices. It is best suited for entry level engineers, designers, drafters or machinists, quality control and inspection personnel. All the Engineering Drawings will generally fall into two groups1) detail drawings and 2) assembly drawings. The treatment of reading them will differ accordingly. When a Drawing of an object ( such as any machine part), is presented, one has to study it and then determine the dimensions of the object i. the size, the shape, the material. These drawings are easier to make than isometric drawings. Seasoned engineers can interpret orthogonal drawings without needing an isometric drawing, but this takes a bit of practice. The top outside view of the bearing is shown in figure 18. through orthographic drawings, which are developed following standard drawing practices. The process of adding size information to a drawing is known as dimensioning the drawing. Dimensioning Standard Practices Reading Direction Construction drawings are instructions that a designer has drawn up to translate the owner's ideas, tell you what materials, parts, and pieces you need for a project, and explain where to place. A variety of textbook content relatedprint reading exercises are provided to reinforce your civil drafting knowledge by finding and identifying. Graphic language in engineering application use l ines to represent the surfaces, edges and contours of objects. Advantage Disadvantage Require practice in writing and reading. Multiviews drawing (2view drawing) Example Lec. Bhuiyan Shameem Mahmood Text on Drawings Text on engineering drawing is used: Thus, it must be written. These Engineering or Technical Drawings serve a number of different purposes. One of the most important is to capture the intention of the designer and all of the requirements associated with the newly designed product. Blue Print Reading GDT YouTube Playlist. Engineering Drawing Practice for Schools 81 Colleges BUREAU OFINDIANSTANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI. Eventbrite The Black Country Skills Factory presents Reading Engineering Drawings Tuesday, 17 April 2018 at In Comm Training Services Ltd, Aldridge, England. Find event and ticket information. The Print Reading and Engineering Drawing Practices PowerPoint slides are based on the latest ASME Y14. There are about 300 slides in sharp gray scale format. It is a complete ready to use program that allows a leader to present Print Reading and. learning this skill was a fundamental part of learning engineering drawing, and you got to practice it the whole time you were drawing anything. Keep in mind whether the 2D projection your reading is in the 1st or 3rd angle essentially how the plans and elevations have been set on the page. Engineering Drawings general engineering drawing can be divided into the following five major areas or parts. Pictorial Drawings Basic Blueprint Reading Pictorial 158 or double line drawings present the same type information as a single line, but the equipment is represented as if it had. Reading Structural Drawings Brief tour image A brief tour of a set of structural design drawings for a building from the perspective of a structural engineer. The intent of this video is to provide insight into the way an expert decodes the drawings in order to assist students in developing this skill. This online engineering PDH course begins with a thorough explanation of how engineering drawings are structured and the conventions that are used in making them and reading them. The course is designed to demonstrate how to read mechanical and technical drawings of piping and mechanical devices, controllers, and instruments connected to the network of pipes in an industrial plant. 24: This Standard defines the types of engineering drawings most frequently used to establish engineering requirements. It describes typical applications and minimum content requirements. Reading Eng and Shop Drawings Date Page 1 The Engineering Drawings will be explained in two parts. Part 1 Part 2 Basic Elements of Reading Plans. Maps show physical features of the natural or built environment at established scale and orientation. Plans are engineered drawings made to scale showing existing physical features of a site and proposed Engineering Scales 40 ft 240 ft 400 ft. Eventbrite The Black Country Skills Factory presents Reading Engineering Drawings Thursday, 4 October 2018 at In Comm Training Services Ltd, Aldridge, England. Find event and ticket information. v PREFACE The GSFC Engineering Drawing Standards Manual is the official source for the requirements and interpretations to be used in the development and presentation of engineering drawings and related documentation for the GSFC. , GDTPS, created all the figures for the Y14. He was an Associate Professor in the Engineering Technology and Management Department at Ohio University for 25 years. Engineering drawings (also sometimes known as blueprints, manufacturing blueprints, prints, manufacturing prints, dimensional prints, drawings, mechanical drawings, and more) are a rich and specific outline that shows all the information and requirements needed to. This course is an introduction to blueprint reading and engineering drawing. Students will learn to apply the principles of orthographic projection, reading and interpreting technical drawings, the use of drawing instruments along with drawing layout and dimensioning techniques. This video discusses the basics of reading engineering drawings. It covers several fundamental topics: 1) The layout of the drawing 2) Title block 3) First VS third angle projection 4) Orthogonal. A brief tour of a set of structural design drawings for a building from the perspective of a structural engineer. The intent of this video is to provide insi Reading Engineering Drawings Through Conceptual Sketching by Jay D. GlencoeMcGrawHill School Pub Co. Spine creases, wear to binding and pages from reading. May contain limited notes, underlining or highlighting that does affect the text. Possible ex library copy, thatll have the markings and stickers associated from the library. CHAPTER ThreeView, Plan View and Elevation View Drawings Technical drawings are the language engineers and architects use to communicate their ideas and designs to journeymen. It is a language based on lines and s: m bols that have specific meanings. Journeymen must Reading a MiTek Engineering Drawing 1 Job name 2 Truss label 3 Truss type 4 Truss quantity 5 Number of plies 6 Job description 7 Software version 8a Cumulated dimensions of top chord panel lengths are added together along the top chord of truss 8b Panel. basics of blueprint reading including projections and views, technical sketching, and the use of blueprints in the construction of machines, piping, electrical and. ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software extended with Mechanical Engineering solution from the Engineering area of ConceptDraw Solution Park provides a set of drawing tools and predesigned mechanical drawing symbols for fast and easy design various mechanical engineering diagrams, How To Read Mechanical Engineering Drawings Symbols a blueprint reading and drawing construction resource for engineers, superintendents, foremen on CAD, plans, elevations, sections and specs and plumbing systems. The end result is the preparation of architectural and engineering design sketches that will guide the draftsmen who prepare the construction drawings. Video tutorial on The Basics of Reading Engineering Drawings to learn more about engineering. We teach you everything about engineering using the different CAD and BIM systems or work environments used in computeraided design. Disadvantage Require practice in writing and reading. Example Multiviews drawing (2view drawing) The Glass Box Approach. Line conventions in engineering drawing. Exercise Complete three orthographic views of the JIS Z 8311 Sizes and Format of Drawings JIS Z 8312 Line Conventions JIS Z 8313 Lettering JIS Z 8314. Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols are used to communicate and detail the characteristics of an engineering drawing. This list includes abbreviations common to the vocabulary of people who work with engineering drawings in the manufacture and inspection of parts and assemblies. Reading Structural Drawings A brief tour of a set of structural design drawings for a building from the perspective of a structural engineer. The intent of this video is to provide insight into the way an expert decodes the drawings in order to assist students in developing this skill. The following notes and illustrations are intended to assist in reading and understanding simple drawings. In all orthographic drawings, it is necessary to project at least two views of a three dimensional object or one view and an adequate description in some simple cases, a typical example being the drawing of a ball. 13 Stage 3 Engineering Drawing and Sketching: These drawing notes were developed by E. Blanco in the mechanical engineering department at MIT, and subseqently modified by other MIT faculty and students. Civil Engineering Drawing Pt 1: Plan Reading Structural Drawings Christopher M. Engineering design drawings Show the overall dimensions of the structure Documents Similar To Civil Engineering Drawing. Cec 209 Civil Engineering Drawing i. BASIC ENGINEERING DRAWING AND COMMUNICATION Inquiries, Suggestions, Opinions etc should be forwarded to: To equip students with basic skills required in engineering drawings, electrical circuit diagrams, and communication. reading materials that were used to obtain a. Engineering drawings are the industry's means of communicating detailed and accurate information on how to fabricate, assemble, troubleshoot, repair, and operate a piece of equipment or a system. Engineering Drawings: Detail Drawings A short lecture on Detail Drawings as per the Australian Standard AS1100 By Paul Briozzo. Engineering designs are the work of many people within an organisation. The initials or names indicate who was responsible for the various duties. In the above This one day introductory reading drawings course is aimed at those who have little or no previous experience of working with engineering drawings and who are required to read, understand and interpret them as part of their manufacturing role. Spring 2006 MEC1000 Technical Drawing D. Anderson 2 Topics Drawing Views Drawing Standards ASME Y14. 100 2004 Engineering Drawing Practices ASME Y14. 4M 1989 Pictorial Drawing There exist standardized sheet formats for creating engineering drawings..