The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Spec Ops: The Line for Xbox 360. A new portrayal of the military shooter experience with twisting narrative uncertainties. Action packed 3rd Person Shooter gameplay provides an upclose and personal. Kaufen Sie Xbox Inhalte auf Xbox. Ihre Xbox 360 Konsole ldt den Inhalt automatisch herunter, wenn Sie sie das nchste Mal einschalten und sich mit Xbox Live verbinden. Spec Ops The Line bedient sich in jeder Hinsicht bei Konkurrenzprodukten wie Call of Duty und Co. und liefert damit ein gutes Ergebnis ab, aber leider nicht mehr. Descargar Spec Ops The Line para Xbox360 por gratis. Idiomas: MULTI (Por Confirmar) Han pasado 6 meses desde que Dubi ha sido borrada del mapa. Xbox360 ISO Spec Ops: The Line 4PLAYERs Juegos Descarga Directa IXtreme JTAG RGH DVD ISO XBLA ARCADES DLC [es Spec Ops: The Line (XBOX 360) Dynamiczna gra akcji TPP stworzona przez firm Yager Development. Spec Ops: The Line jest kontynuacj serii Spec Ops zapocztkowanej przez. Spec Ops: The Line is a new original title from 2K Games that features provocative and gripping ThirdPerson modern military Shooter gameplay designed to challenge players' morality by putting them in the middle of unspeakable situations where unimaginable choices affecting human life must be made. 18 results for spec ops the line xbox 360 Save spec ops the line xbox 360 to get email alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow spec ops the line xbox. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. We currently don't have any Spec Ops: The Line savegames for XBox 360. Please check back at a later date for more game saves to be added. A Spec Ops: The Line egy kls nzetbl irnythat fedezk rendszerrel s a csapat irnyts elemeit tartalmazza. A fegyverek s felszerelsek a jtk sorn vlnak elrhetv. A fegyverek s felszerelsek a jtk sorn vlnak elrhetv. You can get the dark and heady shooter Spec Ops: The Line now for free, but only for a limited time. Spec Ops: The Line (2012) XBOX360 xbox 360, Spec Ops: The Line (2012) XBOX360. Han pasado 6 meses desde que Dubi ha sido borrada del mapa por una tormenta de arena. Se han perdido miles de vidas, incluidas aquellas de los soldados americanos que fueron enviados a. Spec Ops: The Line's emotional narrative unfolds within the destroyed opulence of Dubai. Once a playground for the world's wealthiest elite, now Dubai has been reclaimed by Mother Nature, buried underneath the most devastating sandstorm ever recorded. See Dubai through the eyes of Captain Walker as he and his squad try to piece together what happened in the city after a devastating sandstorm in the Spec Ops: The. Spec Ops: The Line for XBox 360 Spec Ops: The Line graphical comparison between XBox 360 vs PC vs PS3 Spec Ops: The Line Spec Ops: The Line. Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. A Bridge Too Far (10) The end of the line. A Farewell To Arms (30) You are relieved. Spec Ops: The Line is a military thirdperson shooter. It is an entry in the longrunning Spec Ops series but with no reference to the story or gameplay mechanics from the earlier games. The game is set in Dubai where a series of sandstorms has ravaged the environment. Como transforma uma ISO XBOX 360 e convertlo para formato Games on Demand (GOD). Programas utilizados para este tutorial. Descargar Spec Ops The Line para PC por gratis. Han pasado 6 meses desde que Dubi ha sido borrada del mapa por una tormenta de arena. Xbox360 ISO Spec Ops: The Line 4PLAYERs Games Direct Download IXtreme JTAG RGH DVD ISO XBLA ARCADES DLC [ For the recording sessions of Spec Ops: The Line, the actors playing Walker, Adams and Lugo recorded all their lines together in one room, in hopes that a realistic character dynamic would develop between them. Spec Ops: The Line sur Xbox 360 est un jeu de tir la troisime personne qui vous met dans la peau du leader d'une petite force d'infiltration charge de retrouver la trace d'un colonel de l'US Army. Cette aventure se droule dans les rues d'un Duba totalement dvast par de puissantes catastrophes naturelles. If you like our channel and don't want to miss a thing, please show your support by subscribing. We have also dedicated channels for Our own Playscope produc Find great deals on eBay for xbox 360 spec ops. Find great deals on eBay for spec ops xbox 360. : 2012: Action (Shooter), 3D, 3rd Person: Yager Development: 2K Games Spec Ops: The Line. Ao menos no em Spec Ops: The Line, o novo jogo de tiro em terceira pessoa com cenrios psapocalpticos, desenvolvido pela Yager e publicado por ningum menos que a 2K Games. SPEC OPS The Line en espaol XBOX 360 Parte 1 Duxa7iva. Spec Ops The Line Trailer Xbox360PS3 Duration: SPEC OPS The Line en espaol XBOX 360 Parte 4 Duration. Spec Ops: The Line leads the latest group of Xbox 360 games now playable on Xbox One. 7 months, 11 days ago After Less Than 3 Months, 15 Gets You Battleborn and More in a Humble Bundle [Update Spec Ops: The Line sur Xbox 360 est un jeu de tir la troisime personne qui vous met dans la peau du leader d'une petite force d'infiltration charge de retrouver la trace d'un colonel de l. Spec Ops: The Line is a 2012 thirdperson shooter video game developed by the German studio Yager Development and published by 2K Games. It was released internationally in June 2012 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It was later released for OS X in 2013 and Linux in 2015. Spec Ops: The Line's emotional narrative unfolds within the destroyed opulence of Dubai. Once a playground for the world's wealthiest elite, now Dubai has been reclaimed by Mother Nature, buried underneath the most devastating sandstorm ever recorded. Minutes into Spec Ops: The Line, it's clear that this is a story that cuts a little deeper than the likes of Uncharted, and if that's Nathan Drake we're playing as, it's a Nathan Drake who's.