Song Analysis: I Was Only 19 11 08 2010 For this exercise you are to analyse the following video clips and review the song lyrics carefully to answer the following orientation questions. Red gum I was only 19 is a song sung from the point of view of a returned Vietnam war veteran. The song highlights the psychological effects of a traumatic war experience, and the futility of youth in the Vietnam War. Mum and Dad and Denny saw the passingout parade at Puckapunyal It was a long march from cadets. The sixth battalion was the next to tour, and it was me who drew the card. On a few blogs I have seen this explanation: Tegan has said that she used the number nineteen in a metaphorical senseshe was actually writing about feeling 19 againand falling in love at the age of 26which she apparently didn't think could happen. Only 19 lyrics by John Williamson lyrics explanations and song meanings. Mum and Dad and Danny saw the passing out parade at Puckapunyal It was a long march I Was Only Nineteen was released by Australian folkrock band Redgum in 1983. It is one of the best selling Australian singles of all time, remaining in that countrys top 40 charts for some four months. Redgum I Was Only Nineteen (1983) [Intro Am C G D Am G Am [Verse 1 Am C G D Am Mum and Dad and Denny saw the passingout parade at. Its been forever since Song Joong Ki was a member of Running Man. He did come back briefly a few months after he left, but I think its about time he comes back and this time maybe forever. 19 is a song by British musician Paul Hardcastle, The Emu Emulator could only sample for two seconds, British comedian Rory Bremner, using the band name The Commentators, released a parodied version of the song as NNNineteen Not Out, about the England cricket team's. I've always like the song Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five by Wings, but I don't really have any idea what it could be about. I've done internet searches to no avail, but I heard rumours that it was about John Lennon somehow. The Vietnam WarI was only nineteen It is about being in the Vietnam War through the eyes of a young Townsville soldier. It relates what he experienced and and the horrific things he saw. The chorus line God help me, I was only nineteen is a fundamental part of this song. It expresses the innocence and childhood that was lost by thousands of involuntary Australian soldiers during the war. The song I was only nineteen was written by the lead singer of Redgum, John Schumann. He talks about all the negative aspect of war like the killing and nightmares. The song was written about the Vietnam War and the main point for this song to be produced was to help the public to understand what was happening in Vietnam. Page Nineteen: A most misinterpreted song, Push by Matchbox 20. Publi par Im not taking sides here. Matchbox 20 is a classic favourite of mine, but I was also victimized by this song. I was only a preteen when I first heard this song. It was only recently did I learn the true meaning behind this controversial song. God help me, I was only nineteen. Justification of My Poem Justification of 'I Was Only 19' I Was Only 19 by Redgum is a highly emotive and meaningful song, that. The areas named in the first part of the song: Puckapunyal, Townsville, Shoal Water, Nui Dat and Vung Tau are all real places. Puckapunyal was a training center for army recruits. General CommentJust have to add that the unconventionality of the song makes it even more hardhitting. It really creates an atmosphere that tells the story. I just wish it hadn't have had to be written, and I really wish the vets of recent wars didn't have to go through the same things. I was Only 19, the 1983 Redgum song about a soldier's trauma during and after the Vietnam War, was commemorated on Tuesday by the Australian War Memorial with the handover of the guitar behind it. It was four years after the release of I was only 19 and 15 years after Australia's involvement in the Vietnam war ended. After the march, Schumann played I was only 19 at a concert in the Domain. July 21, 1969 was the day Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. It was also the day when Frankie kicked a mine in Redgum's 1983 hit song I Was Only 19. The two events sit sidebyside in. Lyrics to 'I Was Only 19' by Redgum. Mum and Dad and Danny saw the passing out parade at Puckapunyal It was a long march from cadets The sixth battalion INTRODUCTION STORY SUMMARY John Schumanns song I was only nineteen is a national anthem to the Australian veterans who fought in Vietnam. I WAS ONLY 19 THE JOHN SCHUMANN STORY 1968. I was in Year 10 at Blackfriars Prior School in South Australia, grappling with Latin and the Periodic Table. This song reminds me not only of the reality of war but also the suffering people who go to war are put through and everytime I listen to it I cry and think about all the people like Frankie or the narrator of the song, who either died, were injured physically and emotionally. I was only 19, written by red gum, an Australian band is a song about the Vietnam War. It is an extremely moving song, as from what we gather from the title, the song is about a young lad who was only 19 when he first went off to fight in the war. In the song, there is a lot of alliteration used such as the phrase passingout parade at Puckapunyal and Frankie kicked a mine the day that. I Was Only Nineteen or A Walk in the Light Green is the most widely recognised song by Australian group Redgum. It was released in March 1983 and is a first person account of a typical. A poemsong called i was only 19 written by the band Redgum tells of a 19 year Australian Army conscript being sent off to war and the horrors he faces. Below is a copy of the poem which is indentical to the song. Iconic 1980s alternative band Redgum struck an emotive nerve with their hit song I Was Only Nineteen, a raw wound of a song about a the story that has the most meaning after so many years is. nineteen synonyms, nineteen pronunciation, nineteen translation, English dictionary definition of nineteen. website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be. Mum, dad and Denny were some amongst many Who turned up to see the passingout parade at Puckapunyal Seemed every man and his mongrel watche Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five was never performed live by Wings, and only became part of McCartney's live set in the 21st century. Footage of McCartney performing the song was made in 1974, although it was unseen until the 2010 reissue of Band On The Run. INTRODUCTION STORY SUMMARY John Schumanns song I was only nineteen is a national anthem to the Australian veterans who fought in Vietnam. I Was Only 19 Lyrics: Mum and Dad and Danny saw the passing Out parade at Puckapunyal It was a long march from cadets The sixth battalion was the next to tour and it was me who drew the card. God help me I was only nineteen A four week operation, when each step can mean your last one on two legs It was a war within yourself But you wouldn't let your mates down 'til they had you dusted off So you closed your eyes and thought about somethin' else Paul Hardcastle 19 Lyrics Meaning In 1985, this single became a worldwide hit for British composer and musician Paul Hardcastle. There are no subliminal messages hidden within it and there's no need to read between the lines to understand its meaning as this is an out and out, in your face antiwar song. Listen to the song as sung by the Australian Band, Redgum This is a 643 Kb file that plays for 3: 55 minutes John was the lead singer of a band called Redgum that had a hit in the 80s with the song I Was Only Nineteen. I Was Only Nineteen This song is by Redgum and appears on the live album Caught In The Act (1983). Schumann discusses his writing of this song in I was only 19. I Was Only 19 lyrics by Redgum 112 lyrics explanations and song meanings. Mum and Dad and Danny saw the passing out parade at Puckapunyal It was a long march Taking the hit song I Was Only Nineteen, and turning into a beautifully illustrated and informative text was a commendable and genius idea. The text follows a nineteenyearold boy through his experiences in getting drafted and participating in the Vietnam War. Best Answer: There's no hidden meaning here. John Schumann, the guy who wrote the song, is an artist from the far left of politics and his band, Redgum, were folkrock. The song is about a 19 year old guy who goes to Vietnam and gets fuked over. It talks about all of the issues the poor bastard had when he. The quote I was only 19 is repeated throughout the poem, illustrating to the audience that the soldiers experience was unusual and worthy of note. Again, it is possible to see that as we empathise here with the soldier, and understand his story, the poet has successfully achieved his purpose, and at the same time successfully commented. Creator: John Schumann, songwriter and member of Australian folkrock band Redgum. Purpose: To draw attention to the experience of Australian soldiers who fought in the Vietnam War. I Was Only 19 (A Walk in the Light Green) John Schumann: Universal Music Publishing Pty Ltd This song was given to me by Australian solders when the Iraq war started on ANZAC Day 2003. The Aussie soldiers knew this song better than their national anthem. I copied it to a CD and played it on ALL missions I went on in Iraq. Best Answer: Just a part of a very full, and indepth analysis I Was Only Nineteen (or 'A Walk Through The Green Light') is a folk song which was released as a single by the Australian band Redgum in 1983, staying number one in the charts for its first two weeks. In a career filled with casually cruel songs, Hey Nineteen is probably Steely Dan's most overtly mean lyric, since it takes careful aim at the biggest neurosis of the duo's primary audience and pulls the trigger: Hey Nineteen was the song that finally came right out and told the baby boomers that not only were they not kids anymore, but that the kids of 1980 thought they were a bunch of. I Was Only 19 Lyrics: Mum, Dad, and Denny were some amongst many Who came to watch the passing out parade at Puckapunyal Seemed every man and his mongrel came to watch cadets stumble. And the Anzac legends didn't mention mud and blood and tears And the stories that my father told me never seemed quite real. I caught some pieces in my back that I didn't even feel God help me, I was only nineteen. Song Discussions is protected by U. Other patents pending.