Throughout the course of my childhood and teenage years I asked Jesus into my heart probably at least a thousand times. I know that may seem outrageous to you and, believe me, I desired more than anything for my soul to experience peace and rest in Christ. 6 STOP ASKING JESUS INTO YOUR HEART. OVERVIEW God wants you to be assured of your salvation. That truth is essential to the life of every believer as they seek to follow Christ in obedience. But the sad truth is that many people struggle to know with certainty that they Is this modern instruction to Sinners of just simply Asking Jesus into your heart, a biblical doctrine that truly saves? Or could it be an antibiblical instruction that quite possibly does more. The Lord rescued me the summer before I turned 18. As I was new in my faith, I struggled with the security of the salvation the Lord had graciously provided for me. So it was with interest that I recently read a book called Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart by J. Overall, the book carried the same message, that if we are going to tell people about Jesus, and invite people to receive eternal life, we might as well use the terminology the Bible uses, because it is more clear and more accurate. Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart The title alone is catchy and aptly describes the focus of pastor and author J. While some may take the title of this book to mean Greear is encouraging the reader to not worry about salvation or that churches should stop offering altar calls, nothing could be further from the truth. Likewise, we continue to follow Jesus as we struggle with sin. Repentance ushers us into a life of greater struggle, not out of one. Greear, Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know for Sure You Are Saved 2 Stop Aing JeSk SuS into Your HeArt lordship of Jesus seriously. They would, my teacher explained, be turned away from heaven into everlasting punishment with the disastrous words. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of presenting the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart is a purposely controversial title meant as an attentiongrabber, but it is not only that. Greear makes a distinction between asking Jesus into your heart. What Greear is trying to do is to convince you to stop repeatedly asking Jesus into your heart. In the first chapter, Baptized Four Times, Greear frames the situation he is addressing, which the title tells you exactly what that situation is. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of present ing the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Stop Asking Jesus into your heart by J. Greear is a biblical clarification for the assurance of salvation to the Christian based upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. The invitation to eternal life is more than a prayer. I f there were a Guinness Book of World Records record for amount of times having asked Jesus into your heart, I'm pretty sure I would hold it. By the time I reached the age of eighteen I had probably asked Jesus into my heart five thousand times. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of present ing the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. None of the apostles ever told someone to ask Jesus into your heart. Often, the exhortation to ask Jesus to come into your heart is used as a simple way to say, Ask Jesus to enter your life or Allow the Lord to take control. Dont stop asking Jesus into your heart! But, by all means, clearly communicate what is meant by such statements. In case youve been out of the theological loop, there has been a discussion in recent years about whether or not it is biblical for someone to ask Jesus into his or her heart. You can ask Jesus into your heart without repenting and believing, and you can repent and believe without articulating a request for Jesus to come into your heart. The sinners prayer is not a magic incantation or a recipe you follow to get a salvation cake. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of presenting the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Our presentations may not be heretical, but they are sometimes misleading. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of present ing the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Stop Asking Jesus into your heart by J. Greear is a biblical clarification for the assurance of salvation to the Christian based upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. The invitation to eternal life is more than a prayer! It is a living, breathing, real, relevant, relationship with God through Jesus Christ while being sealed by the Holy. Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart: How to Know for Sure You are Saved. Nashville, TN: B H Publishing Group, 2013. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of presenting the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Greears new book Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart tackles this question headon and does so very effectively. Greear sets out to accomplish two things: to help the Christian find assurance that he has been saved, and to help the unbeliever resting on a false assurance see his danger and to turn to Christ. Greear says yes, if we think that continually asking Jesus into our hearts is the way we make sure were saved. He has written a short and accessible book called Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know for Sure You Are Saved. The idea of asking Jesus into your heart or giving your life to Jesus often gives false assurance to those who are not savedand keeps those who genuinely are saved from fully embracing that reality. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. Greear, lead pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, provides for the reader a balanced and theologically informed response to the Sinners Prayer as well as pastoral wisdom and insight on the topic of assurance. Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart guides readers through both assurance and perseverance in a lifealtering way. Greear's work is both an affront to easybelievism. Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart. Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart. Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest. If there were a world record for the number of times asking Jesus into your heart, Im pretty sure I would hold it. Ive probably prayed the prayer more than five thousand times. Sermon One Weekend of January 20th J. Greear Series on First John STOP ASKING JESUS INTO YOUR HEART Part Two. Asking Jesus into your heart by praying some version of the Sinner's Prayer, in which you acknowledge your sin and need of salvation and then accept Jesus as your Savior, has become something of an evangelical ritual. This is a quote from a book review online which to. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of presenting the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart by J. Greear, Surveys show more than 50 of people have prayed a sinner's prayer and think they're going to heaven even though there is no detectable difference in their lifestyles from those outside of the church. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of presenting the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Roger Davis, President, Student Life Stop Asking Jesus into your heart by J. Greear is a biblical clarification for the assurance of salvation to the Christian based upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. The invitation to eternal life is more than a prayer. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of present ing the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. This is an excerpt from Pastor J. Greears new book, Stop asking Jesus into your heart. addresses one of the most difficult questions in the average believers mind: DOUBT! The average believer struggles with assurance of their Salvation. Greear tackles in his latest book Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know for Sure You Are Saved. Published by B H Publishing officially on February 1, 2013. This is a direct quote from J. Greears book entitled, Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart How to Know for Sure You are Saved. Greear is the lead pastor of The Summit Church, a multisite congregation in RaleighDurham, North Carolina. If there were a Guinness Book of World Records record for amount of times having asked Jesus into your heart, I'm pretty sure I would hold it. By the time I reached the age of 18 I had probably. Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart from J. Greear Jan 21, 2015 Category: Articles If there were a world record for the number of times asking Jesus into your heart, Im pretty sure I would hold it. Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart CHAPTER 3: JESUS IN MY PLACE Have you read the chapter? Summarize chapter two, last weeks chapter, in a few The idea of asking Jesus into your heart or giving your life to Jesus often gives false assurance to those who are not savedand keeps those who genuinely are saved from fully embracing that reality. If there were a world record for the number of times asking Jesus into your heart, Im pretty sure I would hold it. Ive probably prayed the prayer more than five thousand times. Find great deals on eBay for stop asking jesus into your heart. In Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, J. shows that faulty ways of presenting the gospel are a leading source of the confusion. Our presentations may not be heretical, but they are sometimes misleading. The idea of asking Jesus into your heart or giving your life to Jesus often gives false assurance to those who are not savedand keeps those who genuinely are saved from fully.